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Welcome to

XBlast is a multiplayer only game inspired by classic games like Bomberman+Dynablaster.
This area is dedicated to the xblast version based on Koen's "central"!
Have a look at more in-game screenshots to get an impression of the game.

Critical info!

Otherwise games can't start despite connecting to a game server!
There must be a ping-score below your player name to indicate success!
IRC as meeting place

Since players have to join before a game starts, but nobody is willing to wait for long time (this means you have to be aware in time), chances are low that some games actually get going. Therefore we need some pool where interested players can meet to arrange a game and wait until enough likeminded have gathered. For now the best place for this is IRC: come and stay with us.


51. News (2008-04-25): help for winblowers

'lo and behold, Kruno made a new Windows binary v2.10.5. NOTE: you can use the -smpf cmd-line option now when starting to change the ability to play with >6 players. It replaces the build/compile option --enable-smpf.

Please report back to the boards, list or IRC if you have problems with SMPF v2.10.5! -- Rado

50. News (2008-01-23): getting momentum again

We have some regular players, and some coders are taking their chances with the evil beast. See the To-Do-list on the left navigation bar for the major issues. If you have more ideas to implement or solutions how to solve them, come over to IRC to discuss with us, or use the other places to contact us: Dev- homepage with its mailing-list + public boards. -- Rado

49. News (2007-02-26): old sources if latest fails

If you notice that 2.10.4 doesn't work well for you, go back to a known fairly stable version 2.10.3 (source only). -- Rado

48. News (2006-08-23)

Luckily there are still some active people out there, "d4" and his pals have produced a new set of levels (tgz archive). Once we get around to sorting all the existing levels out, we'll offer them all separated by authors, so you have a better way to judge which levels you want to use. -- Rado

47. News (2006-06-21)

New src version out. It has a stable sdl (although you need a font for it). The cvs has now mini as commandline option, smpf will follow (either as command lie or in options somewhere). Read the Changelog for details, and the cvs log :)

Old news

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